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Subject: BBA
Teacher Name: Dr. S. K. Muktar
Help Desk Number: 9279542960
Sl No. | Year/Semester | Topic Name | Documents | Link | Date | |
1 | UG - 3rd Year | Math of capital structure | IMG_20200829_132133.jpg | https://meet.google.com/wpf-ztwh-bzq | 29/08/2020 | |
2 | UG - 3rd Year | Math of capital structure | IMG_20200829_132133.jpg | https://meet.google.com/wpf-ztwh-bzq | 29/08/2020 | |
3 | UG - 3rd Year | Math of capital structure | IMG_20200829_132133.jpg | https://meet.google.com/wpf-ztwh-bzq | 29/08/2020 | |
4 | UG - 3rd Year | Capital structures, features | IMG_20200828_151854.jpg | https://meet.google.com/rct-euaf-vdx | 28/08/2020 | |
5 | UG - 3rd Year | Cost of equity capital | IMG_20200827_152854.jpg, IMG_20200827_152908.jpg | https://meet.google.com/dzc-mfdf-xax | 27/08/2020 | |
6 | UG - 3rd Year | Cost of preference capital with math | IMG_20200826_152622.jpg, IMG_20200826_152634.jpg | https://meet.google.com/min-xthf-xmz | 26/08/2020 | |
7 | UG - 3rd Year | Cost of capital and cost of debt | IMG_20200825_152656.jpg | https://meet.google.com/fke-oqjm-iys | 25/08/2020 | |
8 | UG - 3rd Year | Foreign exchange market, functions and types | IMG_20200824_152629.jpg | https://meet.google.com/gkh-egmp-rwa | 24/08/2020 | |
9 | UG - 3rd Year | Demand and supply change of foreign exchange | IMG_20200820_151259.jpg | https://meet.google.com/rjs-ogdr-dwa | 20/08/2020 | |
10 | UG - 3rd Year | Relationship between foreign exchange rate and supply of foreign currency& determination of foreign exchange rate | IMG_20200819_152845.jpg | https://meet.google.com/wpx-qdhq-siy | 19/08/2020 | |
11 | UG - 3rd Year | Supply of foreign currency supply and reason | IMG_20200818_154601.jpg | https://meet.google.com/ztf-bnhc-acv | 18/08/2020 | |
12 | UG - 3rd Year | Factor affecting fixed and flexible exchange rate system, foreign exchange demand | IMG_20200817_151238.jpg | https://meet.google.com/pch-oyrb-rca | 17/08/2020 | |
13 | UG - 2nd Year | Standard costing math | IMG_20200814_074053.jpg | https://meet.google.com/cpc-ooen-cer | 14/08/2020 | |
14 | UG - 3rd Year | Foreign exchange rate, currency depreciation and appreciation | IMG_20200812_151239.jpg | https://meet.google.com/byu-wkar-tya | 12/08/2020 | |
15 | UG - 3rd Year | Foreign exchange rate, currency depreciation and appreciation | IMG_20200812_151239.jpg | https://meet.google.com/byu-wkar-tya | 12/08/2020 | |
16 | UG - 3rd Year | Components of international finance | IMG_20200810_170337.jpg | https://meet.google.com/vtd-upvz-shc | 10/08/2020 | |
17 | UG - 2nd Year | Standard costing it's advantages & disadvantages, various types of standard | IMG_20200808_074041.jpg | https://meet.google.com/ngv-rpbw-yqb | 08/08/2020 | |
18 | UG - 3rd Year | Difference between BOP and BOT component of BOP | IMG_20200805_152647.jpg, IMG_20200805_153243.jpg | https://meet.google.com/jyu-xkuf-uyq | 05/08/2020 | |
19 | UG - 3rd Year | Tax incentive for growth of business | IMG_20200805_131009.jpg | https://meet.google.com/rkg-zfux-xct | 05/08/2020 | |
20 | UG - 3rd Year | Favors affecting divident policy and question | IMG_20200804_071315.jpg | https://meet.google.com/jhk-hbup-qxp | 04/08/2020 | |
21 | UG - 2nd Year | Labour variance | IMG_20200731_071234.jpg, IMG_20200731_081558.jpg | https://meet.google.com/aex-ezzy-cjh | 31/07/2020 | |
22 | UG - 2nd Year | Standard costing | IMG_20200730_075814.jpg | https://meet.google.com/wmw-euda-qst | 30/07/2020 | |
23 | UG - 2nd Year | Standard costing | IMG_20200730_074222.jpg | https://meet.google.com/wmw-euda-qst | 30/07/2020 | |
24 | UG - 3rd Year | International finance importance, BOP, BOT | IMG_20200729_152336.jpg, IMG_20200729_161529.jpg | https://meet.google.com/bbw-knqs-vmw | 29/07/2020 | |
25 | UG - 3rd Year | Question of capital structure and dividend | IMG_20200729_070137.jpg, IMG_20200729_070204.jpg | https://meet.google.com/mmf-ubpq-ggn | 29/07/2020 |